My Fall Bucket List

Let me be the first to welcome you to the fall!

I know the calendar says we still have a few weeks before autumn officially starts, but in my book, fall starts the day after Labor Day. Summer vacations are over, school supplies are packed in shiny new backpacks, the kids are heading back to school, and life settles into a less chaotic routine (Or so we parents like to hope.)

fall bucket list - by jenny lundquist

I don’t know about you, but I always get a burst of energy around this time, and start thinking about all the things I want to do before the holiday season sets in. But, being the disorganized individual that I am, I usually end up accomplishing less than half of them. So this year I thought I’d list out all the ways I want to celebrate fall by coming up with a fall “bucket list.” So here it is!

1. Visit a pumpkin patch
2. Visit Dixon’s corn maze
3. Roast pumpkin seeds
4. Make chili
5. Watch E.T. and eat Reese’s Pieces
6. Make pumpkin muffins
7. Begin and finish revising the sequel to The Princess in the Opal Mask
8. Go to the Harvest Festival at my kid’s school
9. Drink pumpkin pie coffee
10. Make pumpkin bisque
11. Make leaf lanterns
12. Carve pumpkins
13. Host a neighborhood dinner on Halloween.
14. Play Pumpkin Ball on Nov 1st (My husband and I invite the neighborhood kids to bring their mushy leftover pumpkins to our house and practice their free throw skills by tossing them into our trash cans. Warning: Do not attempt this at home if you don’t like messy front lawns.)
15. Get fit by donating $1 for every pound I lose to Project680.
16. Bake Thanksgiving cookies for our neighbors.

Those are my goals for this fall. What about you? Have anything you’d really like to do in the next few months?

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8 Responses to My Fall Bucket List

  1. I’m so glad Fall is here. I’m ready for new routines.

    #17 Go to a San Francisco Giants game this weekend.

  2. Heidi M. Rogers says:

    Unlike most people, I dread fall. Because that means winter is about 2 steps behind it and last year’s winter was so bad. I am hanging on to every last bit of summer that I can, so that means that I still follow the official calendar and it is still very much summer. I don’t care when the kids go back to school. I don’t care when Starbucks releases it’s pumpkin frappaccino whatever. I don’t care how cute your boots are. It is still summer.

    Now that I’ve rained on your parade, I do plan to take the kids apple picking and take pictures at a pumpkin patch. I’ll probably make Halloween costumes at the last minute. And if I find the energy and resources, I’d like to organize some sort of event or outreach to spread the word about fair trade chocolate that coincides with Halloween.

    Enjoy your favorite season!

  3. Dawn says:

    We have almost the same bucket lists, Jenny! Pumpkin patches, corn maize, ET. I always watch ET in the fall. I will not, however, be writing/editing the sequel to my novel. πŸ˜‰ Happy Autumn!

  4. Polina says:

    #2 is on my list too! πŸ™‚
    Did you already go to Apple Hill?

  5. My favorite on your list: Watch E.T. and eat Reece’s Pieces! I love that movie!
    Thanks for reminding us all of the wonders of the season. πŸ™‚

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