So, I’ve wanted to visit Paris forever. It’s on my bucket list to get to France, and I’m hoping that happens in the next few years or so. My husband has already been twice, but I definitely still want to go. Anyway, my friend Annie is in Paris right now on her honeymoon. Since she could not attend the launch party last week, she sent me this picture. Yes, it is the Eiffel tower and The Princess in the Opal Mask. New. Favorite. Picture. Isn’t this amazing? Thanks Annie!
Have you been to Europe? Tell me about your favorite country, city or experience.
*Oh, and don’t forget that The Princess in the Opal Mask blog tour is still going on. Today over at Refracted Light Interviews there’s a review of Princess with a chance to win a copy of the book!
Paris is definitely nice. I’ll take you someday. Don’t worry. 🙂
I would say Scotland was my favorite country to visit. The people were wonderful, the accent was amazing to listen to and the countryside was beautiful. I don’t really have a favorite city, but I did take a backpacking bus tour for three or four days, and that was really fun.
I will hold you to that!